Sunday, October 14, 2007

Earning the airtime!!

Flying report:
Take off at Mystic around 11:40 (arrived a while before that but there was no-one around so I spent quite a while on launch getting a feel for the weather - which was averaging North at 6-7kts, gusting to 13kts, occationally from NNW). I launched and spent a while flopping around launch before evetually taking a few scrappy climbes to 1,240m, lost the thermal here and was soon back around launch. This happened a few times but I just couldnt punch throught that inversion at 1,250m. The air slowly got rougher and the wind stronger - some of the lift I was hitting felt a bit savage considering how close to the deck I was (not much time to recover if any of these hits turned the wing into funny shapes) so I decided that pretty soon I was going to bail out and go land.
I caught a pretty savage little bubble just above launch and pretty much rode it till I bashed into the inversion again. It felt like I was falling out the front of the themal so I tried circling downwind in the hope of finding it. Big mistake as I fell out behind the thermal (it had probably slowed in the inversion) into stong sink. I used the bar some while I was still high but it was strong sink all the way to the LP. I wondered a couple of times if I'd make it (from 1,240m!!??) as the sink persisted all the way to 20m from the paddock (2.8m/s was the least I saw it...) and I landed.
Still, I got an hour of airtime in pretty rough conditions. - good getting to know the wing a bit more.
After packing up I earned my flight by walking up mystic hill to retrieve my car from launch!
Went to the pines and had a short flight (wind weasterly, tiny bubbles of lift shooting up) but made a crical mistake to leave the hill and try for lift over the pines treas. I found sink, and was soon on the ground. Pack up the wing, hike up The Pines to the car, and drive home.
Total airtime: about an hour and a half.

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